Visitors Tracking
- Pages views
- Unique visitors
- New visitors
- Returned visitors
- Visitors distribution by countries and cities
- Browser statistics
- Max traffic
- OS statistics
- Referrers
- Entry pages
- Exit pages
- Time spent
- Conversion rate
- Most popular pages
- Common paths
- Search keywords
- Response time from different external locations
- Uptime daily/monthly
- Average response time all location per URL
- MTTF (mean time to failure)
- MTTR (mean time to repair)
- Aggregated Uptime
- Incidents after working hours
- Average response time all web services
- Planned downtime
- Failures and notification
Internal Monitoring
- Server resource utilization (CPU, Memory, Network, HDD, Virtual Memory, Threads, Process)
- Total free disk space
- Number of alerts on exceeding system capacity thresholds
- Process resource utilization
- Response time local
- Process uptime
- Server uptime
- Uptime local
Online reputation Monitoring
- backlinks per SE
- indexes per SE
- position per keyword per SE
- social bookmarks
- references in blogs
- references in news
- page ranks
Transaction (application) Monitoring
- Failed transactions
- Coverage
- Total execution time
- Execution time per each step
- SLA figures (uptime)
- Page load breakdown
- Average execution per step